Подредување по Термин Растојание Популарност Рејтинг Филтер по градови Skopje Tetovo Gostivar Prilep Kumanovo Bitola Strumica Ohrid Kicevo Struga Kocani Veles Kavadarci Stip Debar Sveti Nikole Delcevo Gevgelija Radovis Vinica Повеќе филтри Помалку филтри Филтер по дејности Construction materials & supplies Marble & granite - manufacturers & retail Construction companies Warehouses Construction insulation materials Stucco, Exterior Coating & Facades Contractors Construction Stone & Rock - Retail Paint, Varnish & Lacquer - Retail Ironmongery Wholesalers Tomb Stones & Monuments - Manufacturers Concrete - Manufacturers & Dealers Plastering Tiles - Dealers Hydro & Water Insulation (Waterproofing Contractors) Insulation Materials Dealers Glues & Adhesives - Manufacturers & Retail Bathroom Fixtures & Accessories Retail Contractors - Roads & Highways Construction Materials & Supplies - Wholesale (Warehouses & Depots) Architectural Services Повеќе филтри Помалку филтри Подредување по Термин Растојание Популарност Рејтинг
Филтер по градови Skopje Tetovo Gostivar Prilep Kumanovo Bitola Strumica Ohrid Kicevo Struga Kocani Veles Kavadarci Stip Debar Sveti Nikole Delcevo Gevgelija Radovis Vinica
Филтер по дејности Construction materials & supplies Marble & granite - manufacturers & retail Construction companies Warehouses Construction insulation materials Stucco, Exterior Coating & Facades Contractors Construction Stone & Rock - Retail Paint, Varnish & Lacquer - Retail Ironmongery Wholesalers Tomb Stones & Monuments - Manufacturers Concrete - Manufacturers & Dealers Plastering Tiles - Dealers Hydro & Water Insulation (Waterproofing Contractors) Insulation Materials Dealers Glues & Adhesives - Manufacturers & Retail Bathroom Fixtures & Accessories Retail Contractors - Roads & Highways Construction Materials & Supplies - Wholesale (Warehouses & Depots) Architectural Services
Спонзорирани резултати кои одговараат на вашето пребарување
Address : ul.1409, Novoselski pat 11 Place: Skopje Distance: ≈7419 км Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00 ADING is a leading company in South East Europe in production and sale of construction chemicals, established in 1969.
Address : Sretko Krsteski 41 Place: Gostivar General representative for the Greek brand Vimatec, specializing in the production and trade of chemical structures.
//1050864291.rsc.cdn77.org/sites/zk/docs/trans{mk}logo_1731506094_33.jpg?t=true&w=300&h=300 Address : ul.1550, s.Vizbegovo 37 Place: Skopje Distance: ≈7421 км Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 09:00 to 17:00 • Sat from 10:00 to 14:30 Ciglana Tulana is one of the most renowned companies for the production of concrete elements in the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia. We have more than 30 years of tradition in the production of Behaton, which is a guarantee of the quality of our products.
Address : Goce Delchev 11 Place: Kocani Distance: ≈7498 км Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00 Production of firt beams according to needs
//1050864291.rsc.cdn77.org/sites/zk/docs/trans{mk}logo_1655368443_46.png?t=true&w=300&h=300 Address : V.S.Bato b.b. Place: Tetovo Distance: ≈7394 км Working Hours: Mon - Sat from 07:00 to 18:00 DAXOROL was founded in 1960 and is synonymous in the field of quality products in construction.
//1050864291.rsc.cdn77.org/sites/zk/docs/93961b96eea41b8b73f584ac7d87bd36.jpg?t=true&w=300&h=300 Address : s.Gradec Place: Gostivar Distance: ≈7395 км Working Hours: Mon - Sat from 09:00 to 17:00 Циглар Инг Дооел с. Градец Врапчиште е фабрика за бекатон плочки од разни димензии и бои.
//1050864291.rsc.cdn77.org/sites/zk/docs/trans{mk}logo_1562243183_11.png?t=true&w=300&h=300 Address : Kosturski Heroi (29-ti Noemvri) 4/8 Place: Skopje Distance: ≈7424 км Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00 Ergo Kom is a company operating on the market for specialized building materials.
//1050864291.rsc.cdn77.org/sites/zk/docs/dfd91ee7421990ca32f893bce4a08c02.jpg?t=true&w=300&h=300 Address : Kuzman Shapkarev 5 Place: Skopje Distance: ≈7418 км Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00 The main activity of the business center Ading is wholesale and retail of building construction materials. The structure of the products represented in the production range of the business center - Ading is mostly for the purpose of the construction.
//1050864291.rsc.cdn77.org/sites/zk/docs/trans{mk}logo_1396606201_65.jpg?t=true&w=300&h=300 Address : Vidoe Smilevski Bato 111 Place: Tetovo Distance: ≈7393 км Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 17:00 NB Company is a company that deals with the construction of various types of buildings, such as towers, hotels, housing, industrial halls, restaurants.
//1050864291.rsc.cdn77.org/sites/zk/docs/trans{mk}logo_1655458282_6.jpg?t=true&w=300&h=300 Address : Balkanska 14 Place: Strumica Distance: ≈7543 км Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 07:00 to 19:00 • Sat from 07:00 to 17:00 Plaster, mortar, glazing table, adhesives, polystyrene beads, computer shading of colors, tools, wallpapers, laminate flooring, plastering Machine
//1050864291.rsc.cdn77.org/sites/zk/docs/trans{mk}logo_1718177899_14.jpg?t=true&w=300&h=300 Address : Industriska zona, nas.Karposh b.b. Place: Kumanovo Distance: ≈7436 км Working Hours: Mon - Sat from 07:00 to 15:00 FRAGMAT MAK is a mixed Slovenian-Macedonian company which deals with a production of EPS (expanded polystyrene) - Styrofoam .
//1050864291.rsc.cdn77.org/sites/zk/docs/trans{mk}logo_1667389443_81.png?t=true&w=300&h=300 Address : bul.Ilinden 57/6 Place: Skopje Distance: ≈7420 км Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00 Imalko M is a general representative for the corporation XELLA for Macedonia.
Address : s.Sopot Place: Kumanovo Distance: ≈7429 км The location of the mine-quarry in the area of s.Sopot, Kumanovo, with direct asphalt access road in length from 4.5 km next to the highway Kumanovo-Tabanovci.
Address : 8-mi Septemvri 7 Place: Kavadarci Distance: ≈7500 км Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00 GRADBA PROMET deals with high and civil engineering:
- Residential buildings
- Industrial buildings
- Utility and hydro facilities
- Construction of roads and highways
Address : Skupi b.b. Place: Skopje Distance: ≈7420 км Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00 Warehouse for construction materials
//1050864291.rsc.cdn77.org/sites/zk/docs/trans{mk}logo_1704883987_7.jpg?t=true&w=300&h=300 Address : bul.Makedonska Kosovska brigada 87-b Place: Skopje Distance: ≈7423 км
Address : ul.101 s.Celopek br.3 Place: Tetovo Distance: ≈7398 км We produce in the highest quality
Address : 15-ti Korpus b.b. Place: Ohrid Distance: ≈7439 км Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00 • Sat from 08:00 to 15:00 Your partner for high-quality construction materials and technical gas
Address : s.Sazdevo Place: Krusevo Градежна компанија и продажба на градежни материјали
//1050864291.rsc.cdn77.org/sites/zk/docs/trans{mk}logo_1712929507_18.png?t=true&w=300&h=300 По засилувањето на почетокот на 2024 година, се очекува раст од 3,3 проценти во 2025 година, поттикнат од посилната домашна побарувачка, бидејќи проектите за ...
„До сега тргувањето на домашната берза на електрична енергија се реализираше во денари. Од денеска за сите 37 компании кои тргуваат на пазарот ден однапред, се ...
сите 6 |
26 Фев, 2025 16:06 | веќе видена
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Минатата година компанијата ја спроведе големата хуманитарна акција „Заокружи сметка“ која е активност на поддршка, со што им се овозможува на потрошувачите на ...
Граѓаните на Хрватска од следната среда ќе можат да учествуваат во нова емисија на двегодишни државни обврзници, при што минималниот депозит е 500 евра, а ...
Министерката за енергетика, рударство и минерални суровини, Сања Божиновска, ја посети Хидроелектраната Вруток, во рамки на нејзините заложби за редовна ...