For Golden Book

GOLDEN BOOK - National brand and leader in Macedonia

R3 INFOMEDIA releases 2 annual printed books - brands: Zlatna Kniga and Libri i Artë.

Also, we have available on-line search through and Android, iPhone and MaxTV apps.

Zlatna Kniga (Golden Book)

A massive, innovative and informative annual media in Macedonia. It is the most widespread Macedonian Yellow Pages service in the country and the region, with richest Macedonian Business Directories and Listings.

On the one hand, Golden Book allows consumers, quickly and easy to get to valuable information for needs of everyday life. On the other hand, advertising in this annual printed informer is a trusted source for new sales and increased earnings for large and small companies.

Zlatna Kniga performs a detailed categorization of all business listings, namely services, products, institutions, establishments, individuals, small and large firms. R3 INFOMEDIA releases 2 annual printed books - brands: Zlatna Kniga andLibri i Artë.

  • 2,004 headings of activities in the original "Headings index"
  • Over 60,000 detailed and reviewed informations
  • Present in firms and in families
  • Coupons & Savings
  • Free distribution to all

Libri i Artë - Albanian Language Golden Pages

“Libri i Artë” is first annual Macedonian Yellow Pages media in Albanian language in Macedonia, which is dedicated for the Albanian population in Macedonia. R3 Infomedia promote this product in Albania and Kosovo to bring Libri i Artë to there markets, which offers an excellent opportunity to establish business relations with these markets. Thus Libri i Artë will become a regional scout for businesses in Albanian and with a great target group of users and businesses. 

"Libri i Artë" currently is the only scout media with commercial content with a such a volume, which meets the needs of advertising for small, medium and large businesses, not only for the  Albanian population, but increasingly also among the Macedonian population.

We help you to find information simple and easy.

We always try to be here for You in sharing our experiences and knowledge to help Your business succeed.

We believe that there's always room for improvement. Your ideas and tips for improvement are welcome.


"Search on the go" - Android and iPhone mobile applications

Geo-location search through Zlatna Kniga database of companies in Macedonia.

The application provides geo-location search through Zlatna Kniga database of companies and entities in Macedonia.

Key features of the application are:

  • Geo-location search (nearest results first)
  • Each result options: Call now, Save in contact list, Directions, Show on map
  • Search History
  • Option for Geo-location search or by city

The apps are available throughAndroid Market и на App Store.


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