Nalko sistemi

  • Address : 8-mi Septemvri 4/3 lok.4
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈8146 км

  • Telephone 2: +389 70 527278
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00


Suggested results for your search terms:

Wi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned

Bis Engineering

  • Address : Nikola Parapunov, DC Makoteks 41
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈8144 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00

Biss Engineering is a company focused on finding solutions in process automation that helps clients increase productivity, reliability, reduce human factors, easy diagnostics and maintenance.


EVN Macedonia

  • Address : Lazar Lichenoski 11
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈8147 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 07:30 to 15:30

EVN Macedonia is a company which has power distribution and supply on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia as its primary activity. The Company entered the Macedonian market in 2006 as a part of the EVN Group and managed to grow into a strong established brand within a short period of time. The most important goal of EVN Macedonia is to provide for a reliable and high-quality power supply to the customers at competitive prices.

ParkingInternet accessWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned

Mi - Mak

MI-MAK offers services in the design, supervision and execution of automation electric motor drives and production processes, electrical installations, electrical lighting, electrical measurements, fulfilling all world, international and domestic standards and criteria.


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