Urban Engeneering (Urban Inzenering)

  • Address : Franc Preshern 64-b/5
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7420 км


The main activity of the company is the construction of both high-rise and civil engineering buildings. In addition, the company has professional and trained staff for the production of project documentation and supervision over the construction of buildings, in accordance with the positive legal regulations in that area.

For the implementation of the above services, the company has the following licenses issued by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of North Macedonia:

✔ License B for performance
✔ License B for designing
✔ License A for designing
✔ License A for performance supervision

In addition, the engineering staff has the necessary authorizations issued by the Chamber of Certified Architects and Certified Engineers.

For additional information, call us on the phone: 02 309 0470 or visit us at 64/b-5 Anna Franze Prešern in the municipality of Karpoš.

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