
ParkingInternet accessAirconditionedDelivery

  • Address : Aleksandar Makedonski (Mosha Pijade) b.b.
  • Place: Prilep
  • Distance: ≈8202 км
  • Location: макпетрол бензинска

  • Telephone 2: +389 48 418744
  • Fax: +389 48 429281
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 20:00
    Sat from 08:00 to 18:00


fax: (048) 429 281


-1991 Starting work in - Wholesale of food products and consumer goods.

-1992 opening a coffee frying workshop with a capacity of 60 kg per 1 hour.

-1996 we bought object with an area of 200 square meters where the entire production and transfer starting with the direct import of coffee from Brazil and India.

-1999 for the first time in Macedonia we start the partnership with the packaging can of ground coffee under the brand Clasik caffe.

-2002 investing in new equipment for packaging and grinding to a different weight of coffee and then start working on our new brand Elitte caffe.

-2003-2007 introduction of two brands Vip, Rival caffe and ice cream powder 100g with 4 flavors Vanilla, Chocolate, hazelnut and strawberries.

-2008 Building a new facility with an area 1,800 square meters and new production equipment with a capacity of 250 tons per month.

-2010 Integrating HCCP standard in our new facility.
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Elitte Strawberry Icecream

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Elitte Nuts Icecream

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Elitte Cacao

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Elitte Hot Chocolate

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Elitte Chocolate Icecream

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Elitte Vanilla Icecream

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Elitte Cappuccino for Kids

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Elitte Cappuccino

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Classsic cafe - can

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Elitte Espresso 1kg.

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Elitte 3 in 1 17gr.

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VIP 200gr.

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Elitte Aroma 500gr.

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VIP 100gr.

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Rival 80gr.

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Elitte Exclusive 450gr.

See our products at

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