Establishment of Reserarch of Materials and New Technologies Development Skopje (Zavod za ispituvanje na materijali i razvoj na novi tehnologii Skopje)

  • Address : Zhivko Chingo (Rade Konchar) 16
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7424 км
  • Location: во склоп на Градежен факултет

  • Fax: +389 2 3211996
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00


The Institute for Earthquake Engineering and Climate Change (IEECC) is the first private scientific institute registered in the Register of Entities Performing Scientific Research Activities, which is maintained by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of North Macedonia, and fully meets the requirements for issuing opinions in accordance with Article 4-a of the Law on Construction.

The team of the Institute for Earthquake Engineering and Climate Change has participated and is participating in scientific projects and the preparation of scientific papers.

IEECC prepares all three required opinions defined by the Law on Construction, which are necessary for issuing building permits and permits for putting into use of facilities.

The Institute was founded by the Institute for Materials Testing, which in turn was founded in 1956, in accordance with Decision No. 170 of 27.02.1956. adopted by the faculty administration of the Faculty of Technology at the University of Skopje. Since then, the Institute has been operating as a self-financing institution, whose task is to conduct scientific research in the field of technical and technological sciences, to coordinate its work with other institutions in the country and abroad, and to publish its scientific achievements. As part of the Institute and the Institute for Earthquake Engineering and Climate Change IZIKP, a laboratory also operates:

Accredited laboratory for testing construction materials in accordance with the requirements of the MKS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard

Accredited product certification body – ZIMSERT in accordance with the requirements of the MKS EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012 standard

The Institute for Earthquake Engineering and Climate Change (IZIKP) is a PRIVATE institution for controlling the designed and constructed level of mechanical resistance, stability and seismic protection of buildings in North Macedonia founded by ZIM Skopje AD Skopje. With a highly qualified team and modern equipment, the institute provides opinions required for construction permits. The services also include geomechanics and seismicity studies for higher category facilities in accordance with your regulations.

Two departments operate within the institute:

-Institute for Earthquake Engineering
-Institute for Climate Change

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