VS Profesional


  • Address : 11-ti Oktomvri 86 lok.4
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈8149 км

  • Telephone 2: +389 75 381381
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00


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Paper products, dispensers, equipment and cleaning products for professional use.

With ten years of experience in the field of hygiene, we can safely say that we are one of the most experienced companies in the segment of the hygiene facility in Macedonia.
Our choice is to sell high quality products from renowned world leaders in the area of hygiene and always keep up with innovative hygiene and find solutions for our customers.

For the maximum availability of its products, “V.S. Profesional” has a distribution network that enables fast and timely delivery of the ordered products directly to the final consumers. In order to meet their customers, our company has organized duty hours to make it available on weekends and holidays. Our professionally trained distribution and service team is constantly evolving and improving with the goal of quality service and timely delivery, and our fleet is constantly growing.

- Free education
For the proper use of all our hygiene products in order to achieve high cost-effectiveness of consumable articles for future business associates, we offer: Presentation of our products, Setting up and possibility for trial use of paper hand scrubbers, toilet paper and soap. Training and counseling of the employees in charge of cleanliness in buildings. Proper use of the hygiene maintenance products and the auxiliary cleaners. Preparation of a cleaning plan for the facilities. Service 24/7

- Customer care
Our service is always available at your request! All you need to do is dial our phone number.

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