Krfiski Aleksandra

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  • Address : bul.Goce Delchev 11 lok.16
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7200 км
  • Location: до Коха


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    Крфиски Александра
    If you have any questions, dispute or problem, feel free to contact the law office today. The law and mediator office guarantees you confidence, consistent application of the right and protection of the interests of the client at affordable prices.

    The Skopje law and mediator office with 11 years of experience in many areas of law:

    1. Civil law

    • Advocacy in litigation, extracurricular, administrative and procedures before state authorities and authorities performing public authority
    • advocacy in execution procedures
    • Advocacy in procedures before administrative courts
    • Compilation of contracts, power of attorney, procedure for compensation for material and non -pecuniary damage to insurance companies and other competent authorities and companies, procedures before notaries
    • Advocacy when conducting probational procedures
    • Under -state collection of cash claims from debtors
    • Court procedure for collecting cash claims from debtors
    • conducting a procedure before a notary public, before the executor, court, a licensed mediator

    2. Trade law

    • Registration of companies and all types of status changes
    • Registration of Citizens' Associations and NGOs
    • Advocacy in bankruptcy procedures, providing legal assistance in the event of a bankruptcy procedure

    3. Hereditary right

    • Assembling hereditary-legal contracts and testaments
    • Conducting a probate procedure
    • Advocating in resolving disputes between heirs (hereditary legal disputes)

    4. Family law

    • Caring marriage
    • Divorce of marriage
    • Resolving property disputes between former spouses
    • Determining or contesting paternity and maternity
    • Disputes for serving
    • entrusting children to storage and upbringing

    5. Labor relations

    • Protecting employment rights to workers in an employer or court procedure such as:
    • Right to pay
    • Right to salary allowances designated by law and collective agreement
    • Right to special protection in case of pregnancy, birth, parenthood and family member
    • Protection against unfounded reasons for cancellation of an employment contract

    6. Mediation

    Mediation is resolved property, family, work, trade, consumer, insurance, education disputes, environmental protection, disputes over discrimination, private lawsuits or when a child who is responsible. The law, that is, committed a crime that provides for up to 5 years in prison, as well as in other disputed relationships where mediation corresponds to the nature of the disputed relationships and can help resolve them.

    Mediation is an out -of -court dispute resolution procedure, in which the mediator helps the parties to come up with a mutually acceptable solution. Mediation is an alternative, out -of -court way of resolving disputes, which is voluntary, the parties participate in the process and resolution of the dispute, control the procedure themselves and come up with a solution, and the confidentiality of the procedure is guaranteed, saving money and time to resolve The dispute, and the ultimate goal is the satisfaction of both or all parties involved in the procedure, promoting their personal and business relationships and cooperation.

    If you have any questions, dispute or problem, feel free to contact us on the phone 071 777649 or come in our office in TC Mavrovka. The law and mediator office guarantees you confidence, consistent application of the right and protection of the interests of the client at affordable prices.
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