Euromak broker-directory

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  • Address : Vasil Glavinov 7-b
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7200 км
  • Location: Веднаш до Шведска Амбасада

  • Fax: +389 2 3231252
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00


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The amount of the premium does not depend on whether the insured uses or does not use an insurance brokerage company. Therefore, the Broker provides the most commercially best premium for the insured in relation to the premium paid by the Insurer to the insurance companies in the previous period when it did not use services from the insurance brokerage company.

The broker for the insured and other interested clients, investors, brokerage houses and other interested parties, performs:

Revision of the insurance policy
- analysis of applicable insurance policies
- giving suggestions and recommendations for achieving better quality coverage in accordance with your actual needs

Identification and risk analysis
- determining the risks to which you are exposed and endangering your business
- making proposals and recommendations for optimal insurance coverage and structure of insurance programs

Arranging insurance
- prepares tenders for collecting offers
- preparation of documentation and communication / negotiations with insurance companies in order to make an insurance offer
- analysis of the offer and selection of the most favourable offer in terms of insurance coverage. Very important criteria are often not only the cost of insurance (premium), but also the terms of insurance and financial power of the insurer
- control of issued insurance policies and their administration

Monitoring of policy scans and renewal of policies
- takes care of the insurance policies and their timely renewal
- agreement with the client for renewal of policies

Assistance to resolve claims for damages

- assistance in the settlement of impairment claims
- claiming damages
- collection of documentation
- monitoring and realization of damages

Providing professional assistance throughout the duration of the insurance

Professional help in the form of advice:
- for the insured and other clients, to manage risks when concluding contracts with insurance companies to define the requirements for the necessary insurance
- when concluding a contract with insurance undertakings, interpreting the provisions of the contracts concerning the necessary insurance

Providing independent and objective advisory services

- the services of independent and objective advice on the issue of insurance, the insurance market, information on all types of insurance and new insurance products

For multinational - regional companies based in Macedonia, we offer services for creating multinational programs

- Creation of an insurance program for the Macedonian regional companies
- Optimization of coverage and premiums in all countries where the insured, the client, has subsidiaries and representative offices, taking into account compliance with applicable local regulations and laws
- Providing insurance for such exposure with the leading European insurance companies that have experience in providing multinational programs, where the choice of insurers takes into account the coverage and the limits, the regional presence, the multinational experience, the reputation, the price and the total value that the insurer can provide.

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