D-r Olivija

  • Address : Veljko Vlahovikj 9
  • Place: Negotino
  • Distance: ≈8226 км
  • Location: блиску до Здравствениот дом

  • Telephone 2: +389 43 362406
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 19:30


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Др. Александра Ристова Стојанова, Директор
PZU Dr. Olivia provides a wide range of medical services, including general and preventive examinations, administration of ampoule therapy, minor surgical procedures, blood pressure measurement, ECG, weight and height measurement with BMI calculation, pick flowmetry, otoscopy, and ophthalmoscopy. We are dedicated to monitoring children's growth and development, preparing medical documentation, and prescribing regular therapy.

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