As - tri plus solar

  • Address : Ivo Lola Ribar 116
  • Place: Kumanovo
  • Distance: ≈7211 км
  • Location: Работилница во с.Горно Којнаре на пат за Табановце

solar systems


    We are a team of dedicated professionals in the field of photovoltaic solar panel installation. Our mission is to enable your business and home to use the sun as a source of clean, efficient energy. With years of experience and expertise, our company provides our customers with the highest quality solar panel installation, using only the most up-to-date techniques and technologies.

    We install photovoltaic solar panels and provide precise installation of a complete installation, turning the sun into a source of clean and efficient energy.

    With our services, you get more than just panel installation. We stand behind you throughout the process - from start to finish, ensuring that your solar energy system is installed correctly and works efficiently. We value your time and your home, so our crews work precisely and efficiently to provide you with a safe and quality solar panel installation.

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