Lera Aronija


herbs, herbalists


    Suggested results for your search terms:

    Bilna apteka-Alkaloid

    • Address : 11-ti Oktomvri 46
    • Place: Skopje
    • Distance: ≈7426 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 07:00 to 20:00 • Sat from 07:00 to 14:00

    Use of plants as unflagging source for healing and care for human health has a long tradition in these region as Macedonia is exceptionally rich in plants of high-quality as well as medicinal plants. Herbal pharmacy continues this tradition through wide range of teas, tending to introduce its patients with all novelties thereof. It is important to indicate that patients’ interest in using plants i.e. teas for their health is not reduced in spite of the development and power of pharmaceutical - chemical industry that each year produces larger number of new medications with known chemical composition and constant physiologic effect. Thousands expert hands cannot synthesize in most modern laboratories in the world what a single vegetative cell can create in nature.


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    Гувернерката на Народната банка, Анита Ангеловска-Бежоска и заменик-министерот за финансии, Филип Николоски, ја предводат нашата делегација, којашто учествува ...
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    Синдикалната организација на Водостопанство од Владата бара да им префрли пари за плати и трошоци за гориво, електрична енергија и резервни делови за да ги ...
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    Teleperformance, германска компанија и лидер во областа на обезбедување корисничка поддршка и дигитални услуги, продолжува со своето ширење низ Македонија, ...
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